Hockessin Hash House Harriers
Hung Page

H4 hashes every week, rain or shine
Saturdays in winter, Wednesdays in summer

NOTE: We don't have a phone hotline

To get on H4's weekly e-mail list, email Devil Woman and Hornblower

Web geek: Devil Woman
Communications Expert: Hornblower

To join the email distribution, email Devil Woman and Hornblower



Grandmastress: Port-A-Ho
Jointmaster: Mary F*cking Poppins
Religious Advisor: Asshopper
Hareraiser: Bunion Butt
Biermeisters: Do Me On The Beach and Ramblin' Pussyfoot
Hash Horn: Pissed Management

Bars are expensive.
Therefore there are changes effective immediately and your attention to this message is greatly appreciated.

- If hare is having the apres anywhere but at a bar (ie: home, park), hash cash will remain at $7.00 and
it will cover the beverages before, BNs, circle and at apres until beer runs out or when beermeister says so.

- If hare is having an apres at a bar, hash cash will be at a discounted rate of $5.00 because there will no longer be a hash tab at a bar.

- Hares now have options:
A) If you want to open a tab but not worry about food, then do it!! Hashers will be on their own for food.
B) If you want to provide food but don't want to worry about beverages, then go for it!! Hashers will be on their own for drinks.
C) If you want to provide food and beverages then let me know when you are haring!!

So if you are haring, let the beermeister and hash cash know if you are choosing:
A, B, OR C (let me know too ??)

Thank you for reading and On On!
Port-a-Ho your GM

OTHER VERY important info:
There are almost always a few open dates for haring. Please contact your new Hare Raiser Bunion Butt if you want to hare!

View the Hash List

Upcoming Hashes:

Wanna Hare?? E-mail Bunion Butt and tell him!

Check out this website that Lost Penis put together!! History of our hash from the humble beginning to present day!
A History of H4 Hashes
(Once you get to the webpage click on "Hockessin Hash House Harriers History" at the top of the page!)

View the Hares List

Hash #1597: Ramblin' Pussyfoot and Dancing Fool
SATURDAY, February 1, 2025, 3:00PM, Brandywine Town Center "Park and Ride" lot, between Red Robin and Regal
Other info Updated

Hash #1598: HARE(S) NEEDED!
SATURDAY, February 8, 2025, 3:00PM, TBA
Other info NOT Updated

Hash #1599: Mary F*cking Poppins and Pokemon Ho
SATURDAY, February 15, 2025, 3:00PM, TBA
Other info NOT Updated

Hash #1600: Pube-He-Ate-Her and NecroPheelMeUp BEER MILE
SATURDAY, February 22, 2025, 3:00PM, TBA
Other info NOT Updated

Other crap of interest:

Go to Trail Dawgs Site (info on upcoming local trail races, weekend trail runs)

Links to other Hashes:

Hockessin Hash House Harriers's Hung Page 
#104 in the Hash House Harriers Web Ring
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This page has been accessed  times since August 6, 1997, like you give a shit!
To get on H4's weekly e-mail list contact: Hornblower and/or Devil Woman

Web postings: Devil Woman